Kirsten Vercammen De Podcast

#047. Hoe ik van mijn hooikoorts afraakte en hoe jou dat kan lukken

Kirsten Vercammen

Meer dan 10 jaar heb ik hooikoorts gehad. Tot nu.

Dit is de eerste lente dat ik geen last heb.

En eerlijk, ik heb echt al tranen gelaten van geluk. Hooikoorts kan zoooo verschrikkelijk zijn. 🥴

Ik had het zo erg dat ik amper buiten kon blijven zitten wanneer het EINDELIJK goed weer was. Ik moest dan zelfs gaan douchen omdat ik gewoon ooooveral de pollen voelde kriebelen.

En plots sinds dit jaar is dat verdwenen, zonder ook maar iéts van medicatie te nemen. Nu… zo plots is het niet gegaan. 😅

Ge vraagt u nu letterlijk af: Kirsten, vertel mij TOT IN DETAIL HOE GE DIT HEBT KLAARGESPEELD.

Well... I will. 😉
De links waarover ik spreek in deze aflevering:
🌍 👉🏼  Aardingslakens (Kortingscode = AFKIR6)
🍴👉🏼 Download hier het gratis glutenvrij weekmenu.

Wil je je gezonde gewoontes nog even resetten vlak vooraleer de grote zomervakantie start en je wordt gebombardeerd met rosékes, ijsjes en lookbroodjes op de bbq?

Dan heb ik MEGA goei nieuws! De 7-Day Reset is terug!

Van 17 t.e.m. 23 juni houden we ons allemaal samen aan 3 eenvoudige spelregels:

💦2L water per dag
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🤸🏽‍♂️2 online work-outs.

Buy-in = €10. 
"Waarom dan niet gratis, Kirsten?" Anders schrijf je je in, en doe je het niet. Toch? 😉

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Hoe vond je deze aflevering? Laat het me gerust weten! 😊

🥑 Nood aan een gezond zetje?

👇🏽 Download hier je Gratis Gezond Weekmenu en je bent helemaal voorbereid voor de komende week! 👊🏼

Volg mij op @kirstenvercammen voor dagelijkse motivatie en tips om jou gewéldig goed in je vel te voelen! 🤩👊🏼

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Speaker 1:

I'm taking this podcast live from my hammock in my garden, and that's something I couldn't do last year or the years before in April, because I just had to run inside to go shower because I had so much trouble with high heels. And since this year I can say that I'm done. I've been sitting here for half an hour in my garden. I am in the hammock, or I am sitting in the hammock in between, and I thought you know I was going to record the podcast about those haycarts and how I got off of them. And I am just going to do that from that hammock because I can. And today I am going to tell you how that comes about, how I got off of them. Is that possible and how does that work? Because if I can do that, you can do that too. Welcome to Kirsten Verkamme, the podcast, the podcast in which I take you with me in the world of healthy nutrition, movement, mindset training and everything in between mindset training and everything around it and in between, in short, your weekly portion of motivation that helps you to feel fantastic in your field. So I'm sitting here in my hammock in my garden, so it can sometimes be that you hear external noises from cars passing by, or I don't know birds or whatever that you hear external noises from cars passing by, or I don't know birds or whatever, so you get that for free. But I thought how cool is it to record a podcast episode about haycarts and how I got rid of it in the middle of the haycarts season, while I can just sit outside quietly. So there you have it. You have the free background sounds with you and there you have it, so that high court.

Speaker 1:

I have been there for quite a long time, but I can't exactly remember when I suddenly got high court, but I do know that it has been 10 years already and maybe almost 11 years or longer, because I remember that when I stayed in Australia 11 years ago in 2013, I didn't have any trouble there for six months, so I did a few seasons there, also in the high summer, but I didn't have any trouble, even if I stayed in the jungle or wherever. I traveled the entire east coast, so I experienced quite a few places and climates. I never had any trouble and I came back then beginning of July, beginning of a summer vacation here, and I had it again. I just went to Werchter, so that was really on the street. I stayed there for the full five days, or four days, with camping. It was five days, but I was really looking forward to a high court, purely because of the other environment, and that's why I know that it's been ten years since I've had it, because I'm already out of it, but really more than 10 years because before Australia it was already there. So to just say, it's not that I've had it for a year and then it's gone all of a sudden. No, no, it didn't go that way.

Speaker 1:

I really did lose weight for years and also during my pregnancy. I lost two pregnancies because I couldn't take anything in and I didn't want to take anything in. So that was really terrible. And then it finally got better and then I could hardly sit outside because I just felt that pollen in everything inside, from my clothes to my eyelashes, to my nose, hairs and everything was gurgling. I had to cough, I had to sneeze all tears, my eyes were gurgling. If you have a high-cold fever, you really know how terrible that can be, and I I had that pretty bad, so I've seen it all. So I think that's really crazy. I can't even believe that I'm just sitting here in my garden without even rubbing my eyes once or sneezing or coughing or having to walk in or whatever. And if that works for me, then it should work for you too. And that's why this podcast and I now get the feeling that I can finally sit in my garden without really enjoying those first days of spring. But I'm really glad we left some tears for happiness, because that can be so.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it can be so gripping that you have been suffering from high-courses for a few months and then you have medicine and you have syringes and you have triplets and I don't know what else. But I don't want to depend on medication and I also know that you have to take more medication in the long run to have the same effect. So I avoid it as much as possible. And of course, I had some trouble with that too. So now, since this spring, I have really let tears of joy because it is so nice to be outside without worries, playing with my children in the garden rolling in the grass. Yes, that is something stupid, but if you have high-courts yourself, then you know how amazing that can be.

Speaker 1:

But suddenly, since this year, it disappeared without taking any medication. I didn't take anything, not even a spray. I did do a lot, but I didn't take any medication. But I invested a lot of time and energy in it, and not necessarily to get rid of that high-end, but really just to optimize my complete health even more than before. And I'm going to tell you what that is in a moment. Just keep listening.

Speaker 1:

But the funny thing is I didn't really realize that I was off. Sometimes I thought I just enjoyed it, and I hear a lot of people say that they are already having a hard time. Then I thought, okay, that will come, that will come. It has not been such a good weather yet. It has rained a lot. It may come later this year. So I wasn't really busy with it. My Frank didn't come until I realized last week that it was already April. It's almost mid-April.

Speaker 1:

My car is full of green stuff, full of pollen, and the funny thing is, this week I went on a trip with my children to the Struisvogelnest in Lier. That is a very nice nursery when you have small children, but if you have been there before, you know that there is a very big circus there when you can find a playground, a sandbar, all tables and chairs where you can drink and eat something. What is also in that greenhouse is that there is a lot of dust from the sand, that is also partly grass that grows in that greenhouse, but also a lot of hay. And, yes, I couldn't go to a hay farm or whatever in nature before because I was really tired of mowing. And yes, so in the serre not no ideal environment for highlanders but also outside the Serres, surrounded by trees, greenery, in the middle of nature. That's hell if you have highlanders, but that wasn't the case for me. But I still didn't realise that I was there Until afterwards my partner, jochem, told me do you know what is really crazy?

Speaker 1:

That you never had to sneeze, sneeze or rub in your eyes. You had no trouble at all when you were in your chair. You felt it when you came in you thought, oh, that's a real heartbreaker for Hooykoorts, and if you had been there before or last year you would have had a lot of experience. I was there for ten minutes, if that's how long it was, because otherwise you would have died of the pollen, and I thought, wow, that's actually true. But I didn't even notice. So I didn't have any trouble. So I thought it was really crazy that he was also affected.

Speaker 1:

We have known each other for almost seven years now Two children later, by the way so he knows me well. He also knows that I was always looking at him. We bought a house together. We could sit outside because we moved out just before winter started. He couldn't enjoy our garden because I was looking at him. So he knows how scary it was for me. So really crazy that it's gone since this year, but I'm still so very careful. I think it will come. It will come.

Speaker 1:

But when we were at that nursery this week, especially in Nysserra, and really had no pain at all, then I was like wow, I'm really off, and that is such a crazy feeling that you have been able to overcome something, while I was not even totally busy with it. Well, let's say I have been very busy with it partly. I'm going to tell you how I played that out in detail, Hang on. So I did some allergy therapy for it. So how did it go? I got the tip via someone who was a customer to go to an allergy therapist.

Speaker 1:

Monique Kaars is in Eindhoven Kaars with C-A-E-R-S. By the way, the family of Anja Kaars you might know them from the Happy Baby Coach, one of Belgium's most famous osteopaths Children's osteopath, baby osteopath, swat so I got that name because I had had learned so hard about her allergies. To get a hold of her, she had to take a vacation from her work all summer. So to save her vacation, because she just couldn't function due to her high-courts and other allergies seasonal allergies and that allergy therapist, monique Kaars, had helped her and I thought but yes, I really want to get rid of the haycarts. I also made an appointment. I went to her and she said yes, indeed, you have haycarts, especially the grasses. That was a little later in the season.

Speaker 1:

And she has me on the basis of. How does it work? She has different tubes based on kinesiology, and then she tests first by connecting those tubes with my body. So sometimes she puts it in my pants or in my pocket, or she already puts it under my t-shirt on my stomach, and then she tests by pulling my fingers open I think it depends on my thumb and then forefinger or middle finger, ring finger or pink. So that depends on what she wants to test. I don't know the details because it's really so complex but really crazy and then she pulls my fingers and sometimes they opened and sometimes they stayed closed.

Speaker 1:

And it's not that I had one or the other effect on it, that was just automatically really unbelievable. And so she actually found out that I was effectively allergic and that I had removed a certain allergy. But I already knew that. But what she did then is actually to my subconsciousness say that it was okay, you could really let go of that allergy, you are safe, so you don't have to fight it. That was against my immune system, let's say, and I actually noticed improvement.

Speaker 1:

But then I got pregnant again and then I thought is it because of that pregnancy that my body is still in a certain stress mode? It is really very hard for a body to make a baby, plus sleepless nights and short nights. I also had a little baby around and in the meantime you are pregnant. So that was a tough period physically and mentally too. So I had the feeling that it had come back a bit, even though they gave me a way to actually help that myself I will save the a little bit about that because that is another special podcast but that helped me partly with the help of that high course. But I feel that it has just come back a little bit and was not completely out of it yet, but I thought, okay, if my son is born I will go back to it again when it is time. But then a time passes and then it was no longer there and honestly, if the season is not there for a high court and you have no pain, then you think, oh, it's okay, that was a lot of pain. But then it comes back and you think, shit, I should have gone anyway. In any case. I had let go of that.

Speaker 1:

It was winter, I had enough in my head With everything that has on in my life Job, children, you know it. But in November I had an appointment at Vision for Body. I made a separate episode about it, even two episodes. I've been there twice and next Sunday I will go for a third time, purely for check-up, to see how everything went regarding the homework I had received. So if you want to know what happened I was asked about the Vision for a Body, what happened, how many times I went. I went there twice now, from November to January, and now in April I'm going back and that was fantastic. And if you want to hear in detail what all happened and said and done, then I refer you to episode 29,. That's my first visit and then, a little further on, I also reported on my second visit.

Speaker 1:

So, yes, I went there and one of the things that came out of it that really scared me was that I had a leaking gut and knowing that I had gone to Vision for Body, that is, a brain balance therapist that I had gone there for a body reset and not necessarily with certain major complaints or something Some people really go for it because they have shoulder pain for a very long time, or he even helped people with cancer, with Hashimoto, so really very out of the ordinary complaints for which you can get to him. But you can also go preventive and just strive for that optimal health. Not always we necessarily strive not to be sick, but just I just want an optimal health and really, with full potential, go free. So I thought I'm just going preventive. But it turned out that I had a leaky gut.

Speaker 1:

And what is a leaky gut? For those who have not heard about it or do not know it well or are not very clear about it, well, in your gut you actually have very small holes that make sure that good substances can go to your bloodstream so that they are then used there for all your body processes. To put it very briefly, but by getting bad substances into our gut through food, but also through pollution, etc. There are actually certain inflammation reactions which makes those small, tiny holes in your gut bigger, so that there are also substances that should not enter your bloodstream, that should go outside with your stool, that they actually do enter your bloodstream because the holes are bigger so they can pass through, so that you can get a lot of inflammation all over your body. And that's not good, because that's how you get all kinds of complaints, and those complaints are very personal. That can be muscle complaints, spinal cord complaints, skin inflammation such as eczema or psoriasis. It can even lead to a stroke. It can really affect all possible diseases that you can imagine. It can even be mental diseases, such as Alzheimer, alzheimer's, you name it.

Speaker 1:

It all starts largely from the gut, also from the brain, but also from the gut, because that is actually a constant exchange between your brain and your gut. They don't call your gut your second brain Because it is constantly in contact with the nervous system, your biggest nerve in your body. It's a telephone line that constantly communicates with each other. So the health of those gutters is going to have a lot of influence on the rest of your health, on how good you feel or how bad you feel. The rest of your health how good you feel or how bad you feel Because that immune system which I just talked about, that settles for 80% in your gut and because your gut health is really just disturbed, your immune system will start to react to certain reactions.

Speaker 1:

Let's say the symptoms of high-cores, for example. Let's focus on the high-cores now. So, for example, itching eyes, itching nose, headache, being tired, coughing, sneezing, so those are the most common. So keep in mind that high-courts or any other allergy can be serious due to a disturbed gut health. And that is actually the number one reason. So the fact that I have a le leaking gut, as I just said, I actually went there to the Vision for the Body without any complaints, just purely preventive, but without a leaking gut.

Speaker 1:

That can be something that has already started years and years ago and, by stress or sleep disorder or whatever certain negative or stress-related symptoms that you experience consciously and unconsciously, it can be that you lick your gut even more so that those holes get bigger, that it gets more serious, without you having a direct stomachache, you will have stomach pain or something, because we often think, okay, if our gut is not healthy, then we will feel it in our stomach. But that is not necessarily the case, because the fact that you already have serious problems means that it has been slumbering for a very long time, that it has been going on for a very long time. It is not suddenly boom that you have an inflammation or a bad gut feeling. No, it starts very quietly and can only manifest after years and years later as a real complaint. But it can also be a skin problem. So it's not necessarily that you say I don't have any problems with my stomach or my spleen, that you therefore have no problems with your gut, because often we don't know that, and I would say more, 80 or 90% of the population even has a leaking gut. So that is so preventable that probably I always have to speak in two words, because otherwise you are always so hard-picked on your words. But I dare to put my hand in the fire that if you have an allergy that you have to look at your arms.

Speaker 1:

Now again, I didn't go to Vision for Body because I had an allergy. I just went to the body reset From there. It turned out, among other things, that I had a nice arm. So I have from Dries from Vision for Body. He is a Brain Balance Therapist, he also has my name. Dries gave me a strict protocol, among other things, a nutrition protocol, but also he also wrote me, for example, lactation sheets. These are sheets that are now lying on my bed which are connected to the lactation spin of the house, which makes sure that all that radiation that you walk through during the day, that you can really let it flow out at night so that you are really charged or really unloaded, literally, and so that you sleep deeper and restore better, and so that all your processes can be restored. Your immune system, your digestive system, your pre-planting system, your digestive system can all work much better. Your organs and whole body can be restored by sleeping on those earthen sheets. I notice a huge difference. I will put the link in the show notes for those earth will put the link in the show notes for the. I will put the link in the show notes for the to the earthen vats. I also have a discount code for that, by the way. I notice a lot of difference there. So that's also in that protocol, but in terms of nutrition, because that may be something to wait for.

Speaker 1:

He said Kirsten, we're really going to have to get rid of your gut and you're going to the next four, five weeks You're going to. Gluten is forbidden, suction is forbidden. And there you go and you're going to. There are two things that were forbidden Gluten and Suction. Now you know that for everyone A certain food Is extra good, or gives, gives energy or takes energy away, but overall, for almost everyone, gluten and sugar are bad. Almost no one can tolerate that, and certainly gluten, sugar a little more, but gluten certainly not. So, as I said, I thought, okay, gluten, think about it for a moment. I knew that. But to actually ban it completely was a bit of planning. But okay, I was motivated and I just wanted to solve that. So after some planning, I flew in and I kept myself so strictly to that protocol and that was really quite tough.

Speaker 1:

I have followed several protocols, like in diets, and really paid attention to my nutrition. Nutrition because I wanted certain physical goals, but it was already a while ago, after my second pregnancy. So, okay, I put myself out there, I focused completely on it and it went pretty well and after a few weeks I noticed a lot of difference. I had really I had bound all the gluten, all the carbs. I also had the ingredients on that. He had said these are really things that give you energy. I had put that for 90% on my menu and with me he said a lot of fish and schaaldieren, courgettes, carrots, champignons, avocado, rice, potatoes. So he was actually quite limited and he said yes, that's really the feeling that you have to put a lot on your menu and know please, don't copy-paste, because that's really personal for everyone. And if you want to get that yourself, go for it. Make an appointment with Vision for Body. I have no financial interest in that at all, I just want you to feel great". And that made me feel so good.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't fun at times because you couldn't always eat everything and if you went somewhere, for example to my schoolmates, you had to adjust some things. I sometimes found that a bit annoying, but okay, they didn't find't mind, so okay. So it wasn't always easy, but after two or three weeks I started to feel so strong, mentally clear, strong in my training. I made really crazy jumps in my strength. I also felt much happier. But I wasn't totally busy with that high court yet because it was winter, so I just wasn't really busy with the hoikorts until then. Because it was winter, so I wasn't really there Until now. Until Jochem said this week that it's really crazy that you don't have any trouble in that serre he knows very well where I'm coming from and he said that's really unbelievable. So if you now say, okay, okay, how do I start? And you said that's really unbelievable. So if you now say, okay, how do I start?

Speaker 1:

Start by scraping gluten. I think the episode 45 or 44 of the podcast where I recorded an episode about gluten and where you find it, what effect it has on your body and what you can eat. So avoid gluten and sugar for five weeks and then add sugar industrial sugar and you will see. You will really restore your gut and you will not only feel that your allergy is suddenly gone or maybe, if you work a little more, your gut is even more damaged than mine. And do you have to do that a little longer? That can really be done. I know someone who has to do the protocol for 8 weeks because his gut is really damaged. So give it a chance. Do it at least 5 weeks, not just 3 weeks, because you really need longer for your gut to recover. How long is it already working? So do it. Scrape the gluten, scrape the acid, scrape that sugar and you're going to feel a lot better.

Speaker 1:

I made a gluten-free week menu for Jaal to weigh on, because sometimes I still know. I know what it's all about. As a health coach, I supposed to know, but to do it effectively was just a matter of searching for myself. So I thought, okay, I've made this week menu for myself and I'm just going to share it with you. I shared it. I wanted to share it for free, but you just have to click on the link in the show notes of this episode. Sorry, I'm being guided by a bird that's right next to me. So there you go. I made a free, gluten-free weekly menu for you Breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can put that away and, believe me, it will help you so much.

Speaker 1:

But that's not a quick win. You have to be patient for a while. You really have to invest in it. That can be difficult sometimes, but really scrape gluten, sugar and sugar for at least five weeks and you're going to have real effects. I promise you that. And it's so worth it Because maybe you're now inside your underpants, you're in your broken knees, you're in your most allegra-tap, of which you might even become a little sleepy, although I don't remember being that sleepy from allegra-tap, or maybe I was, I don't know anymore. I haven't taken it for that long, but you want to go through life without it, and I want you to be able to go through life without that medication of those high chords, and that that you can enjoy those first sunbeams and feel fantastic in yourself, because you deserve it.